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Have you been damaged by Entergy’s power outage during Hurricane Ida?

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Class action lawsuit filed against Entergy

Louisianans rely on Entergy to power our homes and businesses. As the sole provider of electricity to much of the state, Entergy claimed that its systems provided power to 1.1 million residents and businesses, and could withstand winds of 150 mph. Instead, Entergy power systems have endured years of neglect, and investments that should have been made to secure and protect Louisiana’s energy future were ignored despite clear recommendations. During Hurricane Ida in August of 2021, Entergy’s power grid failed at nearly every level despite the fact that the wind speed never even reached 150 mph for most of Southeast Louisiana. This failure compounded the impact of the natural disaster, and jeopardized the lives, property, and businesses of Louisiana residents. 



Have you been affected?

If you, your family, or your business suffered costs or damages due to Entergy’s power outage, and you would like to know more about the class action lawsuit filed against Entergy, please click the link to complete an intake form so that we can assess your situation. Due to the fact that this lawsuit includes businesses and individuals throughout Orleans Parish and the East Bank of Jefferson Parish, there is a high demand for legal assistance, however one of our experienced legal professionals will attempt to reach out to you if you complete the intake form.

Costs, damages, and loss

Keep in mind, you may want to collect or retain information substantiating your costs, damages and loss and/or keep notes or a diary about your experience.


If you would like to know more about your rights related to the Entergy power failure after Hurricane Ida, please complete one of the following intake forms:

The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice. Please contact an attorney if you have questions specific to your potential claim. You may also contact us via phone, email, or this website, however contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us unless and until an attorney-client relationship has been established.

Please review the following before you fill in your contact information:
  • You must currently live in Louisiana and consider Louisiana to be your permanent residence.
  • You must be over the age of 18.

Form Option 1

Please select this form if:

You DID evacuate due to the power outage and you HAVE a Louisiana driver’s license or state ID.

Form Option 2

Please select this form if:

You DID evacuate due to the power outage and you DO NOT HAVE a Louisiana driver’s license or state ID.

Form Option 3

Please select this form if:

You DID NOT evacuate due to the power outage but you'd like to find out more information.